Code of conduct
VKTY code of conduct
These rules are to be followed by all members of VKTY. In addition to these guidelines, the teachers may also define their own rules for their groups. Especially in competition groups, it is necessary to agree on internal guidelines in addition to these rules. The consequences of breaking the rules will be dealt by the Board case by case.
The Board reserves the right to change the rules at any time. Significant changes will be notified both on the website and in the membership letters. The rules will be reviewed annually.
1. Registration
You register as a member of the organization for both semesters (€ 30). The enrollment in the dance classes is done separately for both semesters (fall and spring semester). The enrollment in the competition/coaching and representative groups covers both the fall and spring semesters. The enrollment for Summer classes is done separately. The number of participants of each class depends on the type and the location of the class. The participants will be selected based on the order of their enrollment and the members of the competition groups will be selected annually through auditions.
2. Prices and payments
The prices for the classes are set before the beginning of each semester. Invoices will be sent through the club management system (myClub). Making payments on time ensures that a member can continue participating on the dance classes. If a member has any challenges regarding the payments, she/he/they should contact the dance group’s teacher or without any delay to make a payment plan.
- Try out dance class
You can try out our classes (excluding competition/coaching/representative groups) once (1 time per class) for free. If you go the same class for the second time, it will be considered as an enrollment in that class. Please note that in the beginning of the semester you should enroll also in for the try out classes. This way we are able to see how many people are interested in a certain dance class and are able to start the classes based on this. You will get an invoice after the first class only if you do not cancel your enrollment by email after the first class: - Membership fee
The membership fee for the entire semester (spring and fall) is 30 euros. The membership fee will be invoiced separately. By becoming our member you can attend to VKTY’s dance classes. In order to participate in our dance classes you have be a member (excluding the try out classes). - Invoices per semester
Concerning the dance classes (excluding competition/coaching/representative groups), you will receive an invoice from myClub for fall semester in September and for spring semester in January. The due date will be the last of the month at the earliest and can be found on the invoice. If you join any dance classes after the semester has already started, you will receive an invoice shortly after the enrollment. If you choose to be invoiced per semester, the price will be lower than going to the classes with single tickets. - Single tickets
You can also attend our dance classes with single tickets (excluding competition/coaching/representative groups) if there is room on the class. Single tickets will be invoiced in groups of five (in minimum). Buying single tickets requires VKTY’s membership. - Workshops
We organize various workshops for beginners, more advanced dancers as well as professional dancers. The prices of workshops depend on how long they last and how many teachers are involved. The registration for workshops is done through myClub. The price and the payment terms will be set separately for each workshop. - Competition / coaching / representative groups
Before the beginning of each operational dance year, the Board of VKTY decides on which competition / coaching / representative groups will be set up. You can apply for the groups through auditions or through another application procedure set by the teacher/executive director (for those under 18 years of age with the consent of the guardian). The dancers selected for the group will commit to the group for the entire year (fall and spring semesters). When accepting a place in a group, the dancer also undertakes the group exercises, competitions, competition related costs and fundraising activities. The budgets are set for the groups at the beginning of the dance year to include all expenses. If necessary, the training fees are divided into two or three semester-specific installments. Group-specific instructions are provided for the groups if needed.
3. Supportive membership
You can also join VKTY as a supportive member which allows you to be involved in supporting the organization or a specific dance group within the organization. Please contact us at to get more information on the supportive membership.
4. Family discount
Discount is granted if at least two family members (from the same household) attend VKTY’s dance classes. The discount is granted starting from the second registered family member. The discount concerns only the invoices per semester – the membership fee and competition costs are not discounted. The amount of the discount will be decided on annually. The discount will be shown on the invoices.
5. Cancelling your participation
All permanent cancellations should be done by sending an email to Participation cannot be canceled by telling it to the teacher or just by not attending the classes anymore.
In the case of competition groups, all absences must be reported to the group’s dance teacher in accordance with his/her/their instructions. Single absences from the classes (excluding competition / representative / coaching groups) do not need to be reported separately. If you miss a single class, you can be compensated by another dance class.
- Registration and cancellation policies that apply to all payments
Registration is binding in accordance with the price list in for the semester. By registering you agree to pay the invoices. Payment is non-refundable if the customer cancels the participation on the class in the middle of the semester.
Registration can only be canceled before the due date of each invoice. A paid invoice will be considered a binding registration and after that all cancellations and refunds will only be processed against a medical certificate.If the cancellation has not been done before the beginning of the second dance class, the organization has the right to charge the customer 20% of the price of the billing period. If you cancel the registration after the third dance class, the organization has the right to charge the customer 40% of the price of the billing period.
After the fourth dance class, the payment for the billing period is due in full. In order to pay any compensation, the client must provide a relevant medical certificate. - Workshops
Workshops are often held by visiting teachers. This often includes travel and accommodation costs.
The enrollment for the workshops is binding and the customer accepts to pay the invoice even if he/she/they do not participate.
In order to pay any compensation, the client must provide a relevant medical certificate. - Competition / Coaching groups
Refunds and for all competition / coaching groups are only possible against a relevant medical certificate or other thorough explanation (relocation, etc.). If for one reason or another, you want to quit in a group it is possible to so (fall / spring semester), but you are agreeing to pay the invoices from the ongoing semester. If you decide to quit in a group, you should contact your dance teacher and send an email to
6. Absence
Attending classes requires good physical health. Each participant is responsible for their own health and the decision to attend the class (for a child under 18 years of age, his/her/their guardian). However, the teachers have the right to limit a dancer’s participation in a class for health reasons. In these cases, VKTY is not obliged to reimburse the dancer for the classes.
- Absence without a medical certificate
VKTY is not obliged to reimburse the customer for his/her/their absence from classes for reasons, eg. illness, travel, being busy with school etc. If you cannot participate your class, you can compensate the class with another class. Fill out a compensation form at the Studio before you enter the dance class. - Medical certificates
In the case of long-term (more than four weeks) illness or injury, VKTY may reimburse the dance classes already paid against a medical certificate. Sick leave of less than four (4) weeks will not be reimbursed.
If the illness lasts for more than four (4) weeks, no compensation will be paid from the first 4 weeks. Reimbursements apply for sick leave after this four (4) week period.
All reimbursements will be processed by the Chairman of the Board/ Finance Manager.
Rules concerning VKTY
VKTY tries to ensure that even in exceptional situations (such as sudden illnesses) they have enough resources to keep the classes ongoing. However, VKTY has the right to cancel a dance class once per group per semester without a refund obligation if a substitute or a location have not been able to be arranged. We will notify you of cancellations by email or text message.
If there are two or more cancellations, the participant has the right to participate in another class to compensate for the other one (1: 1).
- Teacher’s long term absence
Mikäli ohjaajalla on pidempi poissaolo, on VKTY:llä oikeus vaihtaa opettajaa/sijaista kesken kauden. Tällä vaihdoksella ei ole vaikutusta maksun suuruuteen. - Cancelling a class or a dance group
Jotta tunti voidaan pitää, on jokaiselle tunnille määritelty minimiosallistujamäärä.
Mikäli tunti ei toteudu ja se lopetetaan VKTY:n toimesta, ei asiakkaalta peritä maksua. VKTY ei vastaa kuitenkaan kolmannen osapuolen huolimattomuudesta, virheestä tai tapahtumasta aiheutuvista peruuntumisista (kuten koulun tilojen varausjärjestelmän virheistä tai muista meistä riippumattomista syistä).
Mikäli tanssitunti joudutaan VKTY:n toimesta lopettamaan kesken kauden, peritään asiakkaalta maksu vain toteutuneista tunneista. Mikäli maksu on ulottunut ko. lopettamisajankohdan yli, hyvittää VKTY erotuksen asiakkaalle ensisijaisesti toisella tuntitarjonnalla tai erityistapauksissa rahallisena 1:1 hyvityksenä. - A permanent change in the schedule
Mikäli tunnin ajankohtaa tai paikkaa muutetaan VKTY:n toimesta, asiakkaalla on oikeus lopettaa tunnilla. Asiakkaalta peritään maksu vain muutosta edeltäneistä tanssitunneista.
Mikäli tunnin tanssilajia tai tuntikuvausta joudutaan vaihtamaan kesken kauden, asiakkaalla on oikeus lopettaa tanssitunnilla, jolloin asiakkaalta peritään maksu vain muutosta edeltäneistä tanssitunneista.
7. Insurance
VKTY has liability insurance that covers possible damage related to dance venues. However, dancers must also have their own insurance covering accidents during the dance classes etc. This is particularly important for dancers in competition/coaching groups.
8. Locations
VKTY organizes dance classes in rented premises (Studio in Iso-Myyri) and in the premises of the City of Vantaa, where we operate under the rules of the City of Vantaa and therefore we will follow their rules accordingly. The contact information for the premises can be found on the website.
9. Equipment
You should have appropriate equipment for each dance class. Some of the classes are physically very challenging, so you should bring a bottle and a towel with you. Basically, the clothing should be breathable and flexible material. There may also be some dance style related features, which you can ask about from your teacher. To ensure comfort and safety, long hair should be tied if possible. You should only wear shoes that are suitable for indoor use. Jewelry is recommended to be removed before the classes.
10. Permission to use pictures, video material etc.
VKTY uses videos and other documentation in its teaching and general activities. Recordings from classes, performances and competitions are considered the property of VKTY and we reserve the right to use all material in our operations. Filming by parties other than VKTY is in general prohibited, unless otherwise agreed. The dancer must notify VKTY in written form if he/she/they does not agree to having his / her / their pictures taken during the classes (does not apply to the pictures taken during performances / competitions). If a picture taken from a performance has been published and the dancer in the picture wants the picture removed, he / she / them should send an email to Membership of the competition/coaching groups requires a permit for recordings and pictures.
11. Fundraising for groups
Groups may choose to raise funds. The means of fundraising must be approved by the Board. As a general rule, the group’s funding is allocated to the group’s own expenses in such a way that it is distributed evenly to all members of the group. The fundraising may be executed e.g. the following ways:
- Performances
- Buffet in events
- Selling products
- Getting sponsors (must be approved by the Board)
- Other general work
12. Performing and representing VKTY
VKTY requires all members and representatives of the organization to act in fair and encouraging way towards other dancers, clubs and dance schools. This also applies to free time in VKTY or group outfits. In addition, VKTY supports healthy, safe and environmentally friendly practices, such as non-smoking, drug-free environment and minimizing the environmental impact of its activities. We hope that this also reflects in the behavior of all organization’s representatives in VKTY events as well as in their free time.