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Price list
The price list is updated twice a year. We reserve the rights to price changes.
The purchase of all ticket types requires the membership. If you join in the fall, the membership fee is 30€ and covers both the fall semester and the spring semester. If you join in the spring, the membership fee is 15€ and covers for the spring semester.
You don’t need to separately buy a membership – we will automatically send an invoice to you when you attend a class for a second time or buy, for example, a serial ticket.
Before purchasing, please also familiarize yourself with the dance school’s rules and cancellation conditions. By participating in the class, you accept the terms.
Gift card
You can buy a gift card for the amount you want by emailing
The gift card is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Requirement for attending our classes
Membership fee
Fall 2023 - spring 2024
Spring 2024
Attending our classes requires the membership. (Excluding the one time try out class.)
Prices for spring semester 2025
Semester fee
Semester fee is paid separately for the fall and spring semester. Please choose the right semester fee based on the duration of the dance classes you are going to attend.
The ticket type cannot be changed in the middle of the semester. For example, the semester fee will not be exchanged into a serial ticket, even if you cannot participate in every class.
- The autumn semester fee included 15 weekly classes
- The spring semester fee includes 18 weekly classes
Classes 45min
149 €
Weekly participation in the same 45 minute dance class throughout the semester.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 60min
199 €
Weekly participation in the same 60 minute dance class throughout the semester.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 75 min
249 €
Weekly participation in the same 75 minute dance class throughout the semester.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 90 min
299 €
Weekly participation in the same 90 minute dance class throughout the semester.
Purchase requires membership.
Anytime cards
Anytime cards are purchased for the fall and the spring semesters separately.
Anytime card
455 €
Unlimited participation in the semester’s weekly classes.
Purchase requires membership.
Anytime card for the coaching group members
204 €
Only for members in VKTY’s coaching groups.
Purchase requires membership.
Purchasing anytime card
In order to purchase anytime card email
Serial tickets
5-time serial tickets
Classes 45 min and 60 min
66 €
Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 75 min
80 €
Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 90 min
94 €
Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Purchase requires membership.
10-time serial tickets
Classes 45 min and 60 min
122 €
Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 75 min
149 €
Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Purchase requires membership.
Classes 90 min
177 €
Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
Purchase requires membership.
Purchasing serial ticket
To buy a serial ticket, send an email to
Please choose the right serial ticket based on the duration of the classes you attend.
Please note that
For campaign discounted serial tickets, the usage time is defined separately.
Solos and duets
Solo and duo training for competitions. The package includes 8 hours of teaching/choreography.
Kid's solo
Kids' duo
Junior's or adult's solo
Juniors' or adults' duo
Inquiry about solo or duo coaching
Inquire about solo or duo coaching by sending an email to
Private classes
Private classes are priced on a case-by-case basis.
If you are interested in private classes, contact us by email:
Book a dance performance
Do you want to book a dance performance for an event or an occasion?
Ask more:
Supporting member
You can support VKTY’s activities by becoming a supporting member! With support payments, we support e.g. hobby of low-income families.
There are 3 levels of membership, from which you can choose the most suitable for you:
- Gold
Price €100 or more/season.
As a product gift, a fabric bag with VKTY’s logo and you get to see VKTY’s Christmas and Spring shows for free. - Silver
Price 75€/season.
A fabric bag with the VKTY logo as a product gift. - Bronze
Price 50€/season.
The membership is valid for one season (autumn + spring) at a time and the payment method is an invoice.
If you want to become a supporting member, please contact us by email Please state your name, address and the support membership level of your choosing.
If you want to receive VKTY’s member newsletters, please create a member account on myClub.
More information
You can compensate for your absences by attending another weekly class. Please fill out the compensation form before attending the class. You can find the forms in the studio lobby. You don’t need to sign up for the compensation class in advance, but please check with myClub or the office that there is room in the class.
Classes canceled due to public holidays
Dancers who pay a semester fee can compensate for classes canceled due to public holidays, like a normal absence, i.e. with another weekly class of their choice. We will not arrange extra classes to compensate for the classes canceled due to public holidays.
The weekly classes according to the timetable are not held on:
- Good Friday
- Easter Day
- the second day of Easter
- Labor Day
- Ascension Day
- Independence Day
- Fall vacation week and Winter vacation week
We give you a 5% family discount.
Billing of the classes
An e-mail invoice for the classes is sent via MyClub in the beginning of the semester (semester fees, 5/10-time cards and anytime). Invoices do not need to be paid before the first class.
Serial tickets (5x ja 10x)
Membership is required for all ticket types.
Serial ticket holders (5x and 10x cards) should always enroll in the weekly classes they want to attend to (myClub). 5/10-time cards cannot be used to participate in the classes of competition and coaching groups. The skill levels and age limits should also be followed when attending to weekly classes with a serial ticket.
If you want to buy a 5 or 10-time serial ticket, send an email to so that the billing goes correctly and we can get the card ready for you. Please choose the correct ticket type either for 45/60min, 75min or 90min classes.
Always show the card to the teacher at the beginning of class, and the teacher will mark it. We will also follow your attendaces on myClub. The cards are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase excluding the campaign priced tickets.
Note! If you have unused tickets from a previously purchased series ticket when moving to a new semester, please also inform us by e-mail which course(s) you are attending to with the old serieal ticket. Otherwise, we will assume you attend the class with the semester fee and you will receive an invoice for the course.
Anytime card
Anytime-card holders should enroll in the weekly classes they want to attend to (myClub). With the Anytime card, you cannot participate in the classes of competition or coaching groups. The skill levels and age limits of the classes need to be followed. The Anytime card is visible to us at the office, which means you don’t need an actual card to attend classes – you just register with your name to the teacher as usual.
A separately priced Anytime card is available for dancers in the coaching groups. You can buy the coaching group Anytime card if you are in a coaching group in the current season.
If you want to purchase an Anytimecard, please send an e-mail to so that the billing goes correctly and you can attend classes freely.